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  Seal Stamps

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Order: Carnivora

Suborder: Caniformia

Family: Otariidae   “eared” seals 

Arctocephalus pusillus, Tasmanian andCape fur seals

A. gazella, Antarctic fur-seal

A. tropicalis, Subantarctic fur-seal

A. townsendi, Guadalupe fur-seal

A. philippii, Juan Fernández fur-seal

A. forsteri, South Australian and New Zealand fur-seal

A. australis, South American fur-seal

A. galapagoensis, Galapagos fur-seal

Callorhinus ursinus, northern fur-seal

Family: Phocidae
   “earless” seals

Erignathus barbatus, bearded seal

Phoca vitulina, harbor seal

P. largha, spotted seal

Pusa hispida, ringed seal

P. caspica, Caspian seal

Caspian Seal

P. sibirica, Baikal seal

Halichoerus grypus, gray seal

Histriophoca fasciata, ribbon seal

Pagophilus groenlandicus, harp seal

Cystophora cristata, hooded seal

Monachus tropicalis, Caribbean monk seal
Carribean Monk Seal

M. monachus, Mediterranean monk seal

M. schauinslandi, Hawaiian monk seal

Mirounga leonina, southern elephant seal
Southern Elephant Seal

M. angustirostris, northern elephant seal

Leptonychotes weddelli, Weddell seal

Weddell SealWeddell Seal

Ommatophoca rossii, Ross seal

Lobodon carcinophaga, crabeater seal
Crabeater Seal

Hydrurga leptonyx, leopard seal

